Thursday, December 10, 2020

2020 A Look Back

      By : Jenna , Kimberly and Amelie

2020 has sure flown by! Let's take a look at past events of 2020! 2020 has been a wild year! For starters let's begin with Covid-19. COVID-19 has certainly made an impact on all of our lives. What a crazy year to have a pandemic. We first went in quarantine on March 14th, 2020 while the rest of the world was freaking out, (we all were I admit that). We also had to deal with online schooling, online activities, online jobs, and much more. That ruled the whole year of 2020. We still haven't found a vaccine, but hopefully things will be better. 

    Another thing that happened in 2020 was that Kobe Bryant died in a plane crash along with his daughter. Kobe was an international Basketball star (if you don’t know) and his daughter played the sport as well. They were an inspirational duo. And they will always be remembered. The event happened on January 26th, 2020. 

Our next thing was the Black Lives Matter campaign and protests also sparked up this year (July 13th, 2020). Many citizens of various states were rooting for Black people ! (Black lives matter!) It happened soon after a police officer started harassing black people. It mainly happened in Minneapolis and also in other states that treat black people harshly. Another thing that happened was the fires spreading across the country. Such as the Dolan fire in California. The fires also occurred in Australia. Also known as the Australian bushfire, it has been setting off multiple wildfires in Australia. And in California, the air quality was terrible, and even got Orange haze. The fires, however damaging to the earth, were not the only thing that happened! 

The election of 2020 soon happened and the whole world was in Chaos, telling everyone who was going to be a better president for the U.S. Some people thought it was Donald Trump, while others vowed that it was Joe Biden.  For the month of November was a very long heated argument about who would be a huge fight and chaos in the U.S.  One good thing that came out of it was that we now have a new president who will (hopefully) Take care of the United States. 

Washington State Trapped Its First 'Murder Hornet' | TimeWith the many events that have happened during the one of the most concerning is the murder hornets being spotted in America. Measuring up to two inches this intrusive insect can wipe out entire bee colonies in hours. These hornets are originally Asian Giant Hornets, a species that recently invaded North America. These insects get their name by swooping in and latching on to honey bees midair where they take their prey back to the nest to feed the young. So not only is it an invasive species, but their potent venom can kill especially if stung multiple times. The number of deaths due to the hornets is low even in areas they have commonly populated. You can find more about what you need to know about murder hornets here. More information can be found here as well.

This year has been eventful for many people in many different ways. With all that has happened it’s hard to keep spirits high, but with the year coming to a close, there is hope for a brighter future. We can only hope that this next year will be better and the world can go back to normal or at least as normal as possible.

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